Youth Umpire Signup

Are you 13-17 years old and looking for a great job, making great money, working with kids in a sport you love?  Are you currently working as a Youth Umpire, but looking for more experience, training and opportunity?

If you answered YES to either of those questions, then FVB is looking for you!

FVB is the leading Baseball and Softball umpire organization in Chicagoland since 1994. Over 550 of our members provide quality officiating to local Little Leagues, High Schools, small College and summers programs throughout the year.

In 2017 FVB partnered with Crystal Lake Little League Baseball and Crystal Lake Girls Fastpitch Softball to provide Youth Umpires to officiate games. With this partnership FVB also started a youth training and education program. In 2018 we expanded to Burlington, Barrington, and Crystal Lake youth softball.

We are now looking for new Umpires for the 2025 season.


Signup starts now!

Here is a list of what to expect:

  • Training:   FVB will provide all required training, including both Class and Field sessions
  • Equipment & Uniforms:  FVB will provide all Equipment, and one shirt/hat set.  Umpires to provide own pants/shoes/belt
  • Excellent pay!!!   Games will pay in the $35-50 range for 90 minutes.  Upon turning 17 and obtaining IHSA certification, you can graduate into FVB and work games paying $55-80
  • Flexibility...Choose your own as often as you'd like, specific days, etc.  
  • Incredible Resume Builder...As you are filling out your College applications, listing Umpire in your experience will demonstrate Leadership, Community Service, Conflict Resolution and Communicatyion skills...all could be key differentiators in the college application process.  These skills as an Umpire are transferable into every walk of life as an Adult.


***2025 UMPIRE REGISTRATION***   To register for the Information Session, or the general program, please complete form below.

Key Dates: 
Mar TBD - Information Session - Virtual Meeting
March/April - Umpire Training, location TBD
April - Games start

If interested or have questions, please contact Kevin Moore at: or (847) 331-6559 

To Register for this program to become a JVB Youth Umpire, click JVB Blues Signup.